Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The end is near

Wow - I cannot believe I have been MIA for almost a month. Sorry about that. The month of December is so busy from start to finish for us. We start with a Christmas Dance Recital, then parties, school stuff and then the big day itself. Before I know it - it is New Year.

But never fear - I am still here! Today I wanted to share an adorable layout I received for Christmas from my mom! They dog-sat our lab Maggie while we attended a Fireman's Convention this past fall. My dad kept saying, "you just wait" but never let on to what he meant.

Mom snapped a few pics and made this:

Don't you just LOVE it? The shiny background is a snack bag from Petco that has paw prints all over it! What a great way to recycle something!! I immediately came home and hung it on my wall!!!

I am hoping to be back again really soon! Thanks for hanging in there with me! Happy New Year!
Thanks for popping in!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Baby it's cold outside!!!

Brrrrr!!!! The weather here in Maine has turned frigid! Much colder than the norm. I dislike the cold almost as much as the heat! At least I know I can always curl up in a warm fuzzy blanket if I need to!!!!

Are you done your Christmas shopping? We are almost finished. Got the men in our lives to do. I leave that job up to the hubby - with a little prompting, of course! :)

I wanted to share some pictures today of
1) the mess in my basement in the wake of installing my new counter tops &
2) a few of the pages to an album I will be giving for Christmas!
Here we go:

These are my 2 new counter tops my hubby gave me for my birthday!!! Aren't the beautiful? I don't think I gushed this much when we built the house many moons ago! They look so bare compared to my small and extremely messy table on the other side of the room!!! I still need to add the peg board over the counter and my towel racks with my much loved punches! Then I will add things slowly to see where I can use them the best!
This is the mess created when the hubby started the installation:
Bad huh? It will get better - I promise!!!

Ok - on to scrapping stuff.... I know - enough already about my counter tops!!

I found this awesome album kit put out by Autumn Leaves called the "60 minutes scrapbooker". It has an album, paper, and embellishments. All you need to do is assemble pages and add pictures. Some pages are even all assembled for you! Can you say QUICK??? And it is so pretty. There are several options, family, vacation, girl, boy, etc. I picked them up quite a while ago and now, after finally getting one together, wish I had gotten more!

Here are two of my favorite pages:

I honestly think the hardest part was trying to decide what pictures to use. (And most pages have enough supplies to make 2 pages).
I hope you have enjoyed today's pictures!!! I will share some more later this week!!!
Thanks for popping in! Stay warm~

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

time flies

Wow - does time fly~ Sorry that I have been MIA lately! I really have been busy! I am off to my last craft fair of the season this weekend and - truth be told - I am happy about it. I am burnt out. It has been a good season but every weekend there has been something going on.
I haven't even decorated my house for Christmas. I ALWAYS do that the weekend after Thanksgiving and this year it didn't happen.

I did manage to squeeze some Black Friday shopping in but then got sick and have been up and down with this cold. I blame it on my kid but who knows.

This Friday night our Girl Scout troop is participating in a local parade. Last night was another work night but I had stayed home from work so I didn't go and share my germs! I have been told it looks awesome! Many many thanks go out to the men who have helped us... Shane, Rob and Rich. We appreciate you so much! I cannot wait to get some pics to share with you!

My hubby finished installing my counter top in my scrap area so now I just need to rearrange everything. I think that will be a time consuming project! I will take some pics of that as well to share! I cannot wait to start working down there! I have some projects that need to be done for Christmas!

I always try to come up with a special idea for the teachers in Ash's life. This year I went a little non traditional.... and won't share in case she peeks.... but this is something I have done for teacher's in the past. Altered clipboards. Sometimes I put initials on it, sometimes a calendar or cork square. Sometimes I just alter them. Like this one:

I think it is so pretty. I love the blacks and pinks. Hope you like it too!

Thanks for popping in today and just a reminder......24 days till Christmas!!!